413 Elite Finishes Inaugural Season 13 Overall
By Colleen Large
Although the 413 Elite lost in their playoff game against the Garden State Warriors which concluded their season, their inaugural season was one for the books because of the team’s efforts on and off the court.
The 413 Elite’s season started off on a high on October 29 at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame where the team offered Halloween-themed face painting, games, and prizes. The Elite began their season with a win over the Central Jersey Sharks.
Off the court, the 413 Elite grew in their following, welcoming thousands of fans to their games and they expanded their reach by securing sponsorships with large and small businesses in the western Massachusetts region. The Elite also stayed committed to their community partnerships with the Springfield Boys & Girls Club and the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce, further solidifying their position as an organization that is for the advancement of the Springfield community.
The 413 Elite will have a busy summer preparing for level 2, their second season competing in the ABA. Their hope is to keep improving, growing, and of course, Elevating Life In The East!